Have one of our team members, possibly Dr. Ewart, come and share with you and your group in a dynamic, interactive live event. Think about which idea best fits your needs:
A Friday/Saturday, Friday/Saturday/Sunday, or Saturday/Sunday weekend experience with your church leadership including preaching Sunday morning.
An off-site leadership retreat from one to three days.
A one to three-day conference for your association, convention, district, or network of churches.
Denominational events.
Topics could include our New Normal processes, our R.E.A.C.H. small group process, some more specific aspect of either you would like expanded, personal evangelism training, a presentation concerning possible consultation, or other leadership development ideas. Dr. and Mrs. Ewart even lead marriage and couples’ retreats!
We are open to your creativity. We have learned that each context is different, and the needs vary greatly from request to request. So, the next best steps would be to pray and dream about what would truly be the most effective event on your end, please plan as far in advance as you can, then email us at . We will get back to you very quickly, talk about the details and scheduling, and give you a set price that makes contextual sense!