Reaching Every Available Community Household is a dynamic discipleship strategy for the twenty first century church that creates understood value for your small group ministry. The biggest question for small groups is “why?” R.E.A.C.H. answers that question and more. It is effective for both legacy church revitalization and new church growth. It addresses inward focus, fear of evangelism, lack of burden for the lost, and non-involvement in personal evangelism and prayer characterizing many congregations.
The R.E.A.C.H. Level 1 strategy leads your church family in an entry-level prayer, outreach, and discipleship process through the open small group ministry of your church. It intentionally involves every active member of the church from the youngest child to the oldest adult. It provides an opportunity to grow for members who have never shared their faith as well as those who are experienced in personal evangelism. It mobilizes the entire church body in intentional discipleship through evangelistic prayer and outreach.
When approached from a missiological perspective, an effective evangelistic process to reach America…
6. Must address both prospective and inactive members
7. Must utilize the power of and the openness to prayer
8. Must expose both believers and unbelievers to the Word of God
9. Must acknowledge the power of relationships and community
10. Must lead to the ongoing study and practice of personal evangelism
1. Must be biblically based
2. Must address the current active evangelistic labor force crisis
3. Must expect involvement from the entire church body
4. Must develop burden for the lost
5. Must become a part of the normal “DNA” of the weekly church life experience
R.E.A.C.H. fulfills each of these needs!
The strategy has been developed and practiced for decades in the real ministry world of local churches in a variety of cultural contexts. John Ewart, a former pastor, now serves as a seminary administrator, professor, and church consultant. He is seeing this strategy being used to produce a harvest. He developed this strategy while serving as the pastor of local congregations. This is no ivory tower church growth theory. It is a working model that has transformed the lives of people and churches.